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Fussy Eating Background

Healthy Snacks kids will actually eat!

uk's award winning kids healthy snack box



+ FREE Snacktastic Hints, tips & tricks straight to your inbox!


Yes, I want FREE Healthy Snack Ideas!

Fussy Eating Support Background

Balance the
eggs with fun
healthier snacks

pick your box!

it's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

Healthy Snacks & Fussy Eating Brand Mermaid

pick a box!

Choose your littlebigs favourite range & size, from variety or dairy & gluten-free options

Healthy Snacks & Fussy Eating Brand Dragon

pick a plan!

Choose how often you want your snack box, from fortnightly, monthly or one-time plans

Healthy Snacks & Fussy Eating Brand Horse

pick a place!

Set up an account, tell us your address & your snacks will be delivered directly to your door

Who We Are
Image of Founders, Child Nutrition Coach and Child

 Who We Are! 

Healthy Snack Box Background
Healthy Snack Box Background
Healthy Snack Box Background

Hello, we’re Priti & gray AKA big kid & Little Kid. we love to snack. we love to keep Active. we love convenience, & we care about our health. that's why we have combined our loves to create Healthy on-the-go Snack Boxes. Think

of us as your snack coach and join us as we help little & big kids choose and enjoy healthier snacking options 


we are a children’s Snack brand, focused on great snacking during a child’s early years.


Our products and coaching is focused on all things snacks, from Eating, Playing and Learning about healthy snacking.

6 nutrients
Minerals & Vitamins
Healthy Snack Box Background

fancy reading our blog?

Young Child eating a healthy snack

helped get my fussy little eater to try new things!


You Snack

We Donate!

Did you know that in the UK 1 in 3 kids live in food poverty?

St Mark’s Meals is a fantastic charity providing meal kits to schools, children centres and community hubs for children to take home for dinner.

For every Little Big Kid snack box sold, 33pence will be donated

directly to St Mark’s meals.

Let’s work together to build a future where no child needs to go to bed hungry.

Charity Partner St Mark's Meals Logo
Charity Partner St Mark's Meals Logo
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